Monday, October 13, 2008


Ever heard of Gravity?
no, not that Earth thing,
it is defined as "Force of attaction between two bodies"
so can any couple say they have gravity between them?

maybe gravity can be an excuse for person who come up with this line:
"hey, I'm attracted to you, I can't help it",
and was met with rejection.

even more interesting is its characteristic,
"Gravity is inversely related to the square of the distance between two bodies"
is that why long-distance relationships seldom work? :D

however there is one part that bothers me,
"Gravity is proportional to the masses of two bodies"
or is it, in fact, the ultimate truth? ahahah.

let your soul take you where you long to be
only then can you belong to me


NaOmI said...

bagus banget hari :)

Anonymous said...

makasi mi..
kykny kebanyakan blajar physics slagi despo jadi begitu deh...