been busy with ICN (Indonesian Cultural Night) last week.
poor me, I messaged 30 people for tickets and none replied yes! lol.
well in the end it was a full house, so I won't complain..
And soo, I joined IndoChoir for this event...
Good stuff first, we rocked! "Burung Kakaktua" was suddenly majestic.
I really thought we just perform for fun based on our messed-up rehearsals. lol.
guess all those time spent dancing was worth it eh? really paid off :D
and to spill the beans, IndoChoir is sooo much of a narcist!
from 15.49 until 22.43 that day, they took 237 photos! (but only 199 was good)
good thing I brought my red camera then, sooo much fun.
I already uploaded those photos on facebook ( 4 parts! my new record, lol)
click too follow the links : part1 part2 part3 part4 rehearsal
yes you are not wrong, there are over 250 photos and dunno how many comments.
I really2 like some of the photos:

I realize I'm not bad at self-photo taking, almost always accurate up until 3 person eh?
speaking of comments, I had over +1000 email from facebook in my yahoo mail.
just 8 hours after I uploaded the photos! tags, comments, everything.
and unfortunately, those comments are either junks or gossips! LOL.
gossipnya parahh siaaa, jgn ditambahin d blog ini yah plis.
di facebook aja cukup, hahahah.
kalo gue punya cewe pasti gue uda digiling deh, unfortunately...
that was how I spent my saturday after MAS110 and MAS112 quizzes,
replying comments after comments or chatting the whole day, soo productive...
must find a way to escape from gossips! argh.
I went Oldham Hall on sunday, cos I got nothing to do.
trying to help those people study, but in the end I think I distracted them rite?
ahahaha nvm, u all looked like u need a break aniwae..
and I took one darn good photo of maura!
I'll just upload it somewhere later... hahahah.
raindrops, should I sleep? lol.
and to spill the beans, IndoChoir is sooo much of a narcist!
from 15.49 until 22.43 that day, they took 237 photos! (but only 199 was good)
good thing I brought my red camera then, sooo much fun.
I already uploaded those photos on facebook ( 4 parts! my new record, lol)
click too follow the links : part1 part2 part3 part4 rehearsal
yes you are not wrong, there are over 250 photos and dunno how many comments.
I really2 like some of the photos:

I realize I'm not bad at self-photo taking, almost always accurate up until 3 person eh?
speaking of comments, I had over +1000 email from facebook in my yahoo mail.
just 8 hours after I uploaded the photos! tags, comments, everything.
and unfortunately, those comments are either junks or gossips! LOL.
gossipnya parahh siaaa, jgn ditambahin d blog ini yah plis.
di facebook aja cukup, hahahah.
kalo gue punya cewe pasti gue uda digiling deh, unfortunately...
that was how I spent my saturday after MAS110 and MAS112 quizzes,
replying comments after comments or chatting the whole day, soo productive...
must find a way to escape from gossips! argh.
I went Oldham Hall on sunday, cos I got nothing to do.
trying to help those people study, but in the end I think I distracted them rite?
ahahaha nvm, u all looked like u need a break aniwae..
and I took one darn good photo of maura!
I'll just upload it somewhere later... hahahah.
raindrops, should I sleep? lol.
dan andai suatu hari kau jadi milikku tak akan kulepas dirimu kasih.
dan bila waktu mengijinkanku untuk menunggu dirimu.
dan bila waktu mengijinkanku untuk menunggu dirimu.
Ehm.. Jadi mikir.. perlu digosipin di sini juga gak yah.. bukan facebook kan.. Lumayan tempat junk baru.. wakakaka
indra! jgn bikin ide aneh2...
plg ga kl dsini si biar aj, jgn ampe d tagboard ajahh, susah deletenya kl dsana...
Hmm2.. Gak kok gak.. haha.. Kalo gitu nanya donk. Knapa judulnya pandangan pertama? Gak nyambung gitu kayaknya sama isinya.. Atau mungkin gw yg lemot.. haha XD
Hari lo punya phrases di bawah warna ijo itu teriakan dari hati yah :p
@indra : ada dehh, mau tau aja knapa :P
@naomi: betul! soalnya gue lg somehow demen bgt ma tu lagu :)
Oh.. Teriakan dari hati untuk..? Wakakakak
*padhal tau itu mksdnya apa*
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